Saturday, 2 January 2010

Hello hello

Happy New Year! I can't quite get to grips with the idea that this time last year, I was promising myself that 2009 would be 'career' year, where I quit my animation job (done!) and forged a roaringly successful fully freelance career as an illustrator and animator, making fabulous films for glitzy clients etc. etc. (not quite done!). I think I had a good year but I have spent a lot of time relying on existing things, such as my wonderful agent, to get new work in. Time for change! Time for progress (she says...)! Well, I can only try, right?

How was your holiday? I had a great time in Yorkshire where the snow was packed down to treacherous ice, then with my family in Birmingham where I ate too much pork, and finally in Dorset for New Year where I ate more pork, drank too much cognac and saw lots of my lovely friends. Driving home to Essex last night was tiring and long, but under a magnificent yellow moon it wasn't so bad.

Did I take any photos? Not one. Not a sausage; the reason being that, as usual, I forgot my camera. Idiot.

I will be back with something more inspiring on Monday. I am actually at my desk today because I have to draw some more cartoon lungs (don't ask) before everyone else goes back to work.


  1. "More pork". "More pork". There is a bird in NZ (an owl) called the morepork. Quite cute though never seen one. Did hear one though. It does actually shout "more pork".

    Just thought you'd like to hear about that random useless factoid :)

    I also neglected to take any useful photos...

  2. That sounds like a cool bird :-) I'd love to hear one.

    Never mind about the photos, eh?
